Meow, just some beginnings

I’m finally giving this blogging thing a go, after years of tumblr – I thought, why not? 

So a wee introduction is in order!


Hello! I’m Natasha or tashysaurus or Siren or just plain ol’ Tash.

10 things about me:

  1. I breathe and live Harry Potter, Blackmilk and Photography. Oh, and tea, and clothes. 
  2. My favourite colour is Green
  3. I have two babies, a kitty called Penelope and a very lovable and endearing mutt called Bear
  4. I have super duper long mermaid hair
  5. I like to take photographs of people, and occasionally call myself an artist
  6. I spend most of my life procrastinating. Seriously, I don’t mean to, but, y’know.
  7. I wish I was tall
  8. Catsuits are my life
  9. I’m going to Vegas for 3 days in 15 days, 20 hours and 56 minutes
  10. I am a Ravenclaw, Pottermore told me so

So yup, thats about it for now 🙂 Lets see how long I can get this blogging thing going for 😀 ❤

